🌐 | n | la copa | website | http://www.la-copa.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Drei Eichen Apotheke | website | https://www.drei-eichen-apotheke-potsdam.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.drei-eichen-apotheke-potsdam.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.drei-eichen-apotheke-potsdam.de |
🌐 | n | Kashmir Haus | contact:website | https://www.kashmirhauspotsdam.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.kashmirhauspotsdam.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Kensington Potsdam | contact:website | https://kensington-potsdam.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://kensington-potsdam.com/
🌐 | n | Steakhaus Montana | contact:website | https://altstadt-hotel-potsdam.de/restaurant | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Nori - Vegan Sushi | contact:website | https://noripotsdam.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://noripotsdam.de/": dial tcp: lookup noripotsdam.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Berliner Volksbank | contact:website | https://www.berliner-volksbank.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.berliner-volksbank.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
🌐 | n | Shishaladen Royal | contact:website | https://shisha-now.de/item/royal-shisha-shop-potsdam | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://shisha-now.de/item/royal-shisha-shop-potsdam": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
🌐 | n | ejf Lazarus Hort Sonnenland | website | https://www.ejf.de/arbeitsbereiche/kindertagesbetreuung/alle-verbuende-und-koordinationsbereiche/hor… | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Pub à la Pub | contact:website | https://pubalapub.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://pubalapub.de/": dial tcp connect: no route to host |
🌐 | n | Müseler's Brotladen | contact:website | https://s-mueseler.jimdo.com | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://s-mueseler.jimdoweb.com/
🌐 | n | Krongut Bornstedt | contact:website | http://www.krongut-bornstedt.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://krongut-bornstedt.de/
🌐 | n | BeautyInstitut – Ein Wellnest unter Linden | contact:website | https://liebner-cosmetics.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://liebner-cosmetics.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Maya's | contact:website | https://mayas-potsdam.de/6204 | 308 Permanent Redirect |
Redirect URL: https://mayas-potsdam.de/
🌐 | n | Kades Restaurant Am Pfingstberg | website | https://www.restaurant-pfingstberg.de/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://restaurant-pfingstberg.de/de/home
🌐 | n | Exner | contact:website | https://www.baeckereiexner.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereiexner.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Augustiner im Holländischen Viertel | contact:website | http://www.augustiner-potsdam.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.augustiner-potsdam.de/
🌐 | n | Dr. Kampfhenkel | contact:website | http://dr.kampfhenkel.net/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
🌐 | n | Hani Beauty | contact:website | http://www.haninails.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
🌐 | n | Glienicker Brücke | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107009 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Jagdhausstraße | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107494 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Körpertempel | contact:website | https://www.koerpertempel.eu/ | 502 Bad Gateway |
🌐 | n | Jagdhausstraße | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107477 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Chopinstraße | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107422 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Chopinstraße | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107493 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Philip Viet Asia Küche & Sushi | website | https://www.viet-light.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.viet-light.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.viet-light.de on server misbehaving |
🌐 | n | Douglas | contact:website | https://www.douglas.de/de/l/potsdam/stern-center/00020437 | 400 Bad Request |
🌐 | n | Görtz | contact:website | https://www.goertz.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
🌐 | n | Brauhaus | contact:website | http://www.krongut-bornstedt.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://krongut-bornstedt.de/
🌐 | n | CityRad Rebhan | contact:website | https://www.cityrad-rebhan.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bikeladen24.de/e-bike-und-fahrradvermietung-in-deutschland/?utm_source=redirect
🌐 | n | Am Gehölz | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107497 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Stadtwerke | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107476 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Stadtwerke | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107495 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Hubertusdamm/Steinstraße | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107152 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | In der Aue | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107496 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | In der Aue | website | https://qr.bvg.de/h107475 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.bvg.de/de/verbindungen/verbindungssuche
🌐 | n | Float-Point.de | contact:website | https://www.float-point.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.float-point.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for v4785.timmehosting.de, v63.timmehosting.de, not www.float-point.de |
🌐 | n | Zahnarztpraxis Dr. med. dent. Carolin Klonower | contact:website | https://www.souriez.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
🌐 | n | Foodcoop Nahrungskette | contact:website | http://nahrungskette.qipc.org | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: http://foodcoop.vega.uberspace.de
🌐 | n | Heim Deko | website | https://www.heim-deko.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.heim-deko.de/": EOF |
🌐 | n | Frauenarzt-Praxis Ide | contact:website | https://www.frauenarzt-ide-potsdam.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.frauenarzt-ide-potsdam.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-15T03:29:18+02:00 is after 2019-05-26T23:59:59Z |
🌐 | n | BAUSETRA Potsdamer Baumaschinen- und Nutzfahrzeuge-Service GmbH | contact:website | https://www.bausetra.de/standorte/standort-potsdam/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Whisky Manufaktur | contact:website | http://www.whiskymanufaktur.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
Redirect URL: https://www.jumpingjackproduction.de
🌐 | n | Praxis für Psychotherapie Schlömer und Korbien | contact:website | http://schloemerundkorbien.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://schloemerundkorbien.de/": dial tcp: lookup schloemerundkorbien.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Praxis für Psychotherapie | contact:website | https://www.kuss-psychotherapie.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kuss-psychotherapie.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kuss-psychotherapie.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Alter Stadtwächter | website | https://www.alter-stadtwaechter.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.alter-stadtwaechter.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-15T03:30:31+02:00 is after 2024-08-19T23:09:15Z |
🌐 | n | Kersting & Henschel | website | https://www.darkunion.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.darkunion.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.darkunion.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Douglas | contact:website | https://www.douglas.de/de/l/potsdam/brandenburgerstr/00020470 | 400 Bad Request |
🌐 | n | Butlers | contact:website | https://www.home24.de/stores-butlers/ | 403 Forbidden |
🌐 | n | Tourist Information PMSG | contact:website | http://www.potsdamtourismus.de/touristinformation/tourist-information-alter-markt/ | 404 Not Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.potsdamtourismus.de/touristinformation/tourist-information-alter-markt/
🌐 | n | DEVK-Berater Ralf Sander | contact:website | http://ralf-sandner.devk.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://beratung.devk.de/vtp/potsdam/ralf-sandner
🌐 | n | Angeljoe – Dein Angelladen | contact:website | https://blog.angeljoe.de/filiale/angelladen-in-potsdam/ | 404 Not Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.angeljoe.de/filiale/angelladen-in-potsdam/
🌐 | n | peRCom | contact:website | https://www.percom.repair/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | MyFiffikus Hundesalon | contact:website | http://www.my-fiffikus-hundesalon.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
🌐 | n | tausendFüss' Kinderschuhe & mehr | contact:website | http://www.tausendfuess.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://tausendfuess.de/
🌐 | n | Mail Boxes etc. | website | https://www.mbe.de/de/versand-druck/potsdam/0212 | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.mbe.de/de/centerfinder?txtAddress=Potsdam
🌐 | n | Café am Holländischen Viertel | website | https://www.cafe-graefehaus.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
🌐 | n | Haus Weißenstein | contact:website | http://haus-weissenstein.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://haus-weissenstein.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | deine Küche | website | https://www.deineküchepotsdam.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.deinek%C3%BCchepotsdam.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-15T03:33:28+02:00 is after 2024-08-21T00:54:21Z |
🌐 | n | Kaffee Einstein | website | https://einsteinkaffee-bistropotsdam.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
🌐 | n | Zahnarztpraxis Thon | contact:website | http://www.zahnarztpraxis-thon.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zahnarztpraxis-thon.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.zahnarztpraxis-thon.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | dampfdochmal Potsdam | contact:website | https://dampfdochmal.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/place/dampfdochmal+Potsdam,+Schlaatzstra%C3%9Fe+4,+14473+Potsdam/data=!4…
🌐 | n | Fahrschule Brüggemann | website | https://www.fahrschule-brueggemann-potsdam.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.fahrschule-brueggemann-potsdam.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.verwaltungsportal.de, verwaltungsportal.de, not www.fahrschule-brueggemann-potsdam.de |
🌐 | n | Gästehaus Urban | contact:website | http://www.gaestehaus-urban.de/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://hotelfuehrung.de/hotel-brandenburger-tor-potsdam/
🌐 | n | Bar 54 | contact:website | https://www.bar-54.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bar-54.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bar-54.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | DIE LINKE. Landesverband Brandenburg | contact:website | https://www.dielinke-brandenburg.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://kampagne24.dielinke-brandenburg.de/
🌐 | n | in-kid Store | contact:website | https://www.in-kid.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | St. Franziskus Seniorenpflegeheim | website | https://www.alexianer-potsdam.de/senioren-und-pflege/st-franziskus-seniorenpflegeheim | 307 Temporary Redirect |
Redirect URL: https://www.alexianer-potsdam.de/st-franziskus-seniorenpflegeheim
🌐 | n | Handwerksbuchbinderei Sigrid Kirsch-Kunze | contact:website | https://www.buchmacher-potsdam.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.buchmacher-potsdam.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
🌐 | n | AURICON Technische Dienste GmbH Niederlassung Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.auricon-td.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.auricon-td.de": dial tcp: lookup www.auricon-td.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Michael Buhr | website | https://michaelbuhr.myportfolio.com/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://portfolio.adobe.com/missing
🌐 | n | Buchbinderei Schalinski | contact:website | http://www.buchbinderei-schalinski.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.buchbinderei-schalinski.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.buchbinderei-schalinski.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Petit Logis | website | http://www.petitlogis.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
🌐 | n | Green Daily | contact:website | https://green-daily.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://green-daily.de/": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Krümelfee Cafe & Backstube | contact:website | https://www.kruemelfee.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kruemelfee.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.kruemelfee.com on no such host |
🌐 | n | Café Rosenberg | contact:website | https://rosenberg-potsdam.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Bäckerei Exner | contact:website | https://www.baeckereiexner.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereiexner.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Sproezl Babelsberg | contact:website | http://sproezl-babelsberg.net/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://sproezl-babelsberg.net/": dial tcp: lookup sproezl-babelsberg.net on no such host |
🌐 | n | Radio Ga-Ga | contact:website | https://www.ebay.de/str/RadioGaGa-Potsdam | 307 Temporary Redirect |
Redirect URL: https://www.ebay.de/splashui/captcha?ap=1&appName=orch&ru=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fstr%2FRadioGaG…
🌐 | n | Matratzen Concord | contact:website | https://www.matratzen-concord.de/filialen/potsdam-waldstadt/a273/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.matratzen-concord-filialen.de/potsdam-waldstadt/a273
🌐 | n | AnandaBalance | website | https://www.anandabalance.com/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.anandabalance.com/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Ungarische Spezialitäten | website | https://www.ungarische-spezialitaeten-potsdam.de/ | 303 See Other |
Redirect URL: http://www4.ungarische-spezialitaeten-potsdam.de/
🌐 | n | Naturheilpraxis Elke Kaminski | contact:website | https://naturheilpraxis-potsdam-elkekaminski.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://naturheilpraxis-potsdam-elkekaminski.de/": dial tcp: lookup naturheilpraxis-potsdam-elkekaminski.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Ingenieurbüro für Hochbau | contact:website | https://vius.de/ibh/ueber-uns/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
Redirect URL: https://vius.de/
🌐 | n | Da Vinci Lounge Potsdam | contact:website | https://da-vinci-lounge.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
🌐 | n | Familienteam | contact:website | https://www.fh-potsdam.de/informieren/service/familien/grundsaetze/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Praxis für Logopädie | contact:website | https://logopraxis-potsdam.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
🌐 | n | Deutsche Zoll- und Finanzgewerkschaft Bezirksverband Berlin-Brandenburg | contact:website | https://www.bdz-bb.eu/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bdz-bb.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.bdz-bb.eu on no such host |
🌐 | n | Rechtsanwalt Holger Panzig | contact:website | http://www.rechtsberatung-potsdam.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://rechtsberatung-potsdam.de/
🌐 | n | Home Care und Reha Technik | contact:website | https://homecare-rehatechnik.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://homecare-rehatechnik.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
🌐 | n | Klavierschule Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.klavierunterricht-potsdam.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.klavierunterricht-potsdam.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.klavierunterricht-potsdam.com on no such host |
🌐 | n | Klaus Fuhrmann & Partner | contact:website | http://www.rednerfuhrmann.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | VIA PROPRIA Ganzheitliche Medizin, Beratung und Psychotherapie | contact:website | http://viapropria.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | drive24 | contact:website | https://www.drive-24.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.drive-24.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.drive-24.de |
🌐 | n | Weiterbildungs-Info-Laden | contact:website | https://www.weiterbildung-potsdam.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.weiterbildung-potsdam.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for weiterbildung-potsdam.de, not www.weiterbildung-potsdam.de |
🌐 | n | Psychotherapie in Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.psychotherapie-zschemisch.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
🌐 | n | Brandenburgische Krebsgesellschaft e.V. | contact:website | http://www.krebsgesellschaft-brandenburg.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.krebsgesellschaft-brandenburg.de/index.php/de/
🌐 | n | Volkswagen Automobile Berlin GmbH | contact:website | https://www.volkswagen-automobile-berlin.de/standortuebersicht/standortuebersicht/standort/volkswage… | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.volkswagen-automobile-berlin.de/standorte/standortuebersicht/locations
🌐 | n | Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung | contact:website | https://zzf-potsdam.de/de/bibliothek | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://zzf-potsdam.de/bibliothek
🌐 | n | Ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung beim VdK Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.teilhabeberatung.de/node/1429 | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Praxis Dr. med. Beate Radke | contact:website | http://www.hautarzt-radke.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
🌐 | n | Kosmetikpraxis Balance | contact:website | https://www.kosmetikpraxis-balance-potsdam.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kosmetikpraxis-balance-potsdam.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kosmetikpraxis-balance-potsdam.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Sicherheitstechnik Babelsberg | contact:website | https://www.sicherheitstechnik-babelsberg.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
🌐 | n | Kagermann & Lange | contact:website | http://www.kagermann-lange.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | cosa vital | contact:website | http://www.cosa-vital.de/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://cosa-vital.de/
🌐 | n | cosa apart | contact:website | http://cosa-apart.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://cosa-apart.de/": dial tcp: lookup cosa-apart.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Heureka Schülercoaching | contact:website | http://www.heureka-nachhilfe.net/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.heureka-nachhilfe.net/": dial tcp: lookup www.heureka-nachhilfe.net on no such host |
🌐 | n | Kosmetik im Stübchenhof | contact:website | http://www.kosmetik-potsdam.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
🌐 | n | Casino im Bundesrechnungshof | contact:website | https://www.essenzzeit.de/de/essenzzeit-restaurants-in-potsdam/casino-im-bundesrechnungshof-potsdam-… | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.essenzzeit.de/kantinen/
🌐 | n | MANNE e.V. Potsdam | contact:website | http://www.mannepotsdam.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.mannepotsdam.de/
🌐 | n | Kosmostaschen | contact:website | http://kosmostaschen.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://kosmostaschen.de/": dial tcp: lookup kosmostaschen.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Operator: Fördergesellschaft für den Wiederaufbau der Garnisonkirche Potsdam e. V. | url | https://garnisonkirche-potsdam.de/baufortschritt/webcam/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | daqana - Data Science Solutions | contact:website | https://www.daqana.com/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.daqana.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.daqana.com |
🌐 | n | Studio Gosha of Fine Art | contact:website | https://www.studiogosha.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Indische Bibliothek | contact:website | http://indische-bibliothek.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://indische-bibliothek.de/": dial tcp: lookup indische-bibliothek.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Internationale Grundschule Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.is-potsdam.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.is-potsdam.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Demuth Rechtsanwälte | contact:website | https://rechtsanwalt-demuth.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.arbeitsrecht-demuth-potsdam.de
🌐 | n | Dr. med. Jan-Tobias Keulen | website | http://www.dr-keulen.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://dr-keulen.de/
🌐 | n | Exner Café | website | https://www.baeckereiexner.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereiexner.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Kongsnaes Restaurant & Bar | contact:website | http://kongsnaes.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://kongsnaes.de/
🌐 | n | Ikonen der Freiheit | website | https://www.potsdamtourismus.de/blog/leben-geniessen/kunst-am-griebnitzsee/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Mike Schneider | contact:website | https://www.swisslife-select.de/content/vor-ort/mike-schneider1/de/home/ihr_berater/profil.html | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Adler | contact:website | https://www.adlermode.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://adler.de/
🌐 | n | Hani Nails | contact:website | http://www.haninails.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
🌐 | n | Kuba Film GmbH | contact:website | http://www.kubafilm.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kubafilm.de/": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | FXtogo | contact:website | http://www.fxtogo.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.fxtogo.de/
🌐 | n | carte blanche Film | contact:website | https://www.carteblanche-film.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.carteblanche-media.com/
🌐 | n | Physiotherapie Voitel | contact:website | https://www.physio-voitel.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.physio-ihnow.de/
🌐 | n | Tafelfreuden | contact:website | https://kleines-glueck.cafe/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://kleines-glueck.cafe/": EOF |
🌐 | n | Flink Lieferservice Potsdam | website | https://www.goflink.com/de-DE/city/lebensmittel-lieferservice-potsdam/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
🌐 | n | Apartmenthaus zum Hofmaler | contact:website | https://hofmaler-hotel-potsdam.de/apartments.html | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Restaurator Reckewerth | contact:website | http://www.raumausstatter-reckewerth.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
🌐 | n | Praxis für Ernährungstherapie | contact:website | http://www.teichmann-allergien-ernaehrung.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
🌐 | n | FrauRaum | contact:website | http://www.frauraum-potsdam.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.frauraum-potsdam.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.frauraum-potsdam.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Potsdamer SauenHain | contact:website | https://www.sauenhain.de/ | 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable |
🌐 | n | NUY LAËL Fresh Skincare | contact:website | https://nuylael.de/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
🌐 | n | Dedow Werbetechnik | contact:website | https://www.dedow-werbung.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.dedow-werbung.de": EOF |
🌐 | n | Praxis Dr. med. Isabella Schellenberg und Dr. med. Christian Schellenberg | contact:website | https://praxis-schellenberg.jimdo.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://praxis-schellenberg.jimdoweb.com/
🌐 | n | Tyrus Imbiss | contact:website | http://www.tyrus-potsdam.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
🌐 | n | Debeka-Servicebüro Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.debeka.de/svb/potsdam2/index.html | 302 Found : Moved Temporarily |
Redirect URL: https://www.debeka.de/cdn/ansprechpartnersuche/?url=https:%2F%2Fwww.debeka.de%2Fsvb%2Fpotsdam2%2Find…
🌐 | n | Visality Consulting | contact:website | http://www.visality.de/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.visality.de/
🌐 | n | Flixhouse | contact:website | https://flixhouse.online/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
🌐 | n | Cafe und Bäckerei Exner | contact:website | https://www.baeckereiexner.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereiexner.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Zum Starstecher | contact:website | https://starstecher.vistaprintdigital.com/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://renderrush.digital.vistaprint.io/s/starstecher
🌐 | n | Waldstadt Friseur | contact:website | https://waldstadtfriseur-cornelia-cugier.business.site/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Beautyinstitut Andrea Liebner | contact:website | https://beautyinstitut-liebner.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://liebner-cosmetics.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Rotholz | website | https://rotholz-store.com/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://rotholz-store.com/": dial tcp: lookup rotholz-store.com on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | Jugendtreff | contact:website | https://www.zeltpunkt-montelino.de/jugendtreff | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.montelino-potsdam.de/jugendtreff
🌐 | n | Lavaluna Film | contact:website | http://lavalunafilm.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://lavalunafilm.de/": dial tcp: lookup lavalunafilm.de on no such host |
🌐 | n | Architekturbüro Kühn- von Kaehne und Lange | contact:website | https://www.kvkul.de/ | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.architekturbuero-kuehn-von-kaehne-lange.de/
🌐 | n | Kosmetik am Waldrand | contact:website | https://www.kosmetik-am-waldrand.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.kosmetik-am-waldrand.de/": EOF |
🌐 | n | Spezialisierte ambulante Palliativversorgung | contact:website | http://www.sapv-potsdam.de/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | AMTANGEE | contact:website | https://www.amtangee.com/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.amtangee.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.amtangee.com on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | vivavilla Immobilien | contact:website | http://vivavilla.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
🌐 | n | Tanja Hofbauer | contact:website | https://www.tanja-hofbauer.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tanja-hofbauer.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.tanja-hofbauer.com on server misbehaving |
🌐 | n | Atelier Vogel | contact:website | https://www.atelier-vogel.net/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.atelier-vogel.net/": dial tcp: lookup www.atelier-vogel.net on no such host |
🌐 | n | Spezialkanzlei Pahlke | contact:website | https://www.pahlke.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string elitedomains.de in it |
🌐 | n | Fahrschule Müller | website | https://www.f-mm.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.f-mm.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.f-mm.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | Altar der Nationen | website | https://dev.potsdamtourismus.de/blog/leben-geniessen/kunst-am-griebnitzsee/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://dev.potsdamtourismus.de/blog/leben-geniessen/kunst-am-griebnitzsee/": dial tcp: lookup dev.potsdamtourismus.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | Wörlitz Tourist | contact:website | https://rb.woerlitztourist.de/reisebuero/potsdam-bahnhofspassagen/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://rb.woerlitztourist.de/reisebuero/potsdam-bahnhofspassagen/": dial tcp: lookup rb.woerlitztourist.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | St. Babelsberg | contact:website | https://sanktoberholz.de/locations/babelsberg/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://sanktoberholz.de
🌐 | n | Ullrich Werbeagentur | contact:website | https://u-wa.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://u-wa.de/": dial tcp: lookup u-wa.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | Richter Recycling | contact:website | https://richter-recycling.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://richter-recycling.de/": dial tcp: lookup richter-recycling.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | wir.raumgestalter | website | https://wir.raumgestalter.studio/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://wir.raumgestalter.studio/": dial tcp: lookup wir.raumgestalter.studio on server misbehaving |
🌐 | n | Schule für Pflegeberufe | contact:website | https://www.gesundheitscampus-potsdam.de/berufe-cluster/pflegeberufe/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.gesundheitscampus-potsdam.de/berufe-cluster/pflegeberufe/": dial tcp: lookup www.gesundheitscampus-potsdam.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | nxtbase technologies GmbH | contact:website | https://www.nxtbase.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.nxtbase.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
🌐 | n | Deutsche Industrie Grundbesitz | contact:website | https://germany.ctp.eu/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://ctp.eu/industrial-warehouse-office-finder/germany/
🌐 | n | Tagesklinik im Josefshaus | contact:website | https://www.altersmedizin-potsdam.de/tagesklinik-im-haus-st-josef | 307 Temporary Redirect |
Redirect URL: https://www.altersmedizin-potsdam.de/tageskliniken/tagesklinik-im-haus-st-josef
🌐 | n | Schnittbüro Potsdam | contact:website | http://www.schnittbuero-potsdam.de/data/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
🌐 | n | Halbe Treppe | contact:website | https://halbe.tripcombined.com/ | 404 Not Found |
Redirect URL: https://tripcombined.com/404.php
🌐 | n | Exner | website | https://www.baeckereiexner.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereiexner.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Neo Temp | website | https://www.neo-temp.de/index.php/potsdam | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.neo-temp.de/index.php/potsdam": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | n | Gemeinschaftspraxis Kahlbau-Kaak & Klingbeil | contact:website | https://www.kaak-klingbeil.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.allgemeinarztpraxis-am-tor.de/
🌐 | n | Hort "Potsdam Kids" | contact:website | https://www.ejf.de/arbeitsbereiche/kindertagesbetreuung/alle-verbuende-und-koordinationsbereiche/hor… | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | Salzgrotte | contact:website | https://annimotion-sports.com/salzgrotte/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://annimotion-sports.com/2017/12/07/salzgrotte/
🌐 | n | MakeSpace! | image | https://cloud.okfn.de/s/AJnXtafAxaMa9Zo/download/MakeSpace-Panorama.jpeg | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | n | 1448zwo | website | https://1448zwo.de/cafe/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://1448zwo.de/cafe/": dial tcp: lookup 1448zwo.de on read udp> i/o timeout |
🌐 | n | Buchbinder Security | website | https://www.buchbinder-securtiy.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.buchbinder-securtiy.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.buchbinder-securtiy.de on no such host |
🌐 | w | Operator: Fridericus Servicegesellschaft der Preußischen Schlösser und Gärten mbH (FSG) | operator:website | http://fridericus.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://fridericus.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
🌐 | w | Signature Diagnostics AG | website | http://www.signature-diagnostics.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.roche.com/
🌐 | w | Bildungsforum | website | https://www.bildungsforum-potsdam.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.bildungsforum-potsdam.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
🌐 | w | Wohnheim Campus Gesundheitspark | contact:website | https://www.gesundheitsakademieevb.de/index.php?id=171&L=550 | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.gesundheitsakademieevb.de/index.php?id=171&L=550": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
🌐 | w | Berliner Volksbank | contact:website | https://www.berliner-volksbank.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.berliner-volksbank.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
🌐 | w | Eremitage | website | https://www.baufachinformation.de/denkmalpflege.jsp?md=2005017108938 | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Zur Historischen Mühle | contact:website | https://www.muehle-potsdam.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://arcona.de/de/gastronomie/historische-muehle
🌐 | w | Winzerberg | website | http://www.winzerberg.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://winzerberg.de/
🌐 | w | A.P.G.-Autoservice | contact:website | https://www.apg-autoservice.de | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.apg-autoservice.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
🌐 | w | Autohaus Thonke | website | https://www.autohaus-thonke.de/ | 303 See Other |
Redirect URL: https://www.eurorepar.de/werkstatt-autohaus-thonke-gmbh-potsdam-11614.html
🌐 | w | mobiagentur Potsdam | contact:website | https://www.potsdamtourismus.de/touristinformation/tourist-information-potsdam-hauptbahnhof/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Villa Arnim | image | https://potsdamwiki.de/images/Villa_Arnim.jpg | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://potsdamwiki.de/images/Villa_Arnim.jpg": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
🌐 | w | Montessori-Haus "Starke Kinder"e.V | website | https://www.montessori-friends.de/kinderhaus-starke-kinder/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.montessori-friends.de/kita-in-brandenburg-kinderhaus-starke-kinder/
🌐 | w | Haus 19 | website | http://www.hochschulsport-potsdam.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hochschulsport-potsdam.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hochschulsport-potsdam.de on no such host |
🌐 | w | Kaiserkirche | contact:website | https://kirchenkreis-potsdam.de/gemeinden/trinitatis-kirchengemeinde/golm/ueber-die-kirchen/die-neue… | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.kirchenkreis-potsdam.de/gemeinden/trinitatis/golm/ueber-die-kirchen/die-neue-kirche
🌐 | w | SoLaWi BAUERei Grube | website | https://bauerei-grube.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://bauerei-potsdam-grube.de/
🌐 | w | Dorfkirche Grube | contact:website | https://kirchenkreis-potsdam.de/gemeinden/trinitatis-kirchengemeinde/grube | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.kirchenkreis-potsdam.de/gemeinden/trinitatis/grube
🌐 | w | H (BioenergieBeratungBornim GmbH) | website | https://b3-bornim.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://b3-bornim.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for web-05.oopen.de, not b3-bornim.de |
🌐 | w | Park Kuhfort | website | http://www.park-kuhfort.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.park-kuhfort.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.park-kuhfort.com on no such host |
🌐 | w | Alte Försterei | contact:website | http://www.alte-foersterei-potsdam.de/ | 303 See Other |
Redirect URL: http://www4.alte-foersterei-potsdam.de/
🌐 | w | Alte Försterei | heritage:website | http://ns.gis-bldam-brandenburg.de/hida4web/view?docId=obj09156105,t.xml | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://ns.gis-bldam-brandenburg.de/hida4web/view?docId=obj09156105,t.xml
🌐 | w | [u-24] | website | https://www.fu24.net | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.fu24.net": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | w | Gästehaus Louis | contact:website | https://louis-potsdam.com/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
🌐 | w | Ferdinand 46 | contact:website | https://eigentumswohnungen-potsdam.blp-immobilien.com | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://blacklabelimmobilien.de/ferdinand46-eigentumswohnung-kaufen-in-potsdam/
🌐 | w | Fridericus Servicegesellschaft | contact:website | https://fridericus.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://fridericus.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
🌐 | w | Kita Farbenspiel | contact:website | https://www.die-kinderwelt.com/fur-familien/kindertagesstatten/kita-huchelstrase/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Total | contact:website | https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND028530 | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND028530": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host |
🌐 | w | Motor Company Babelsberg | website | https://www.motor-company.de/standorte/toyota-betriebe/potsdam-babelsberg.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://motor-company.de/standorte/brandenburg/potsdam/
🌐 | w | Motor Company Babelsberg | website | https://www.motor-company.de/standorte/toyota-betriebe/potsdam-babelsberg.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://motor-company.de/standorte/brandenburg/potsdam/
🌐 | w | Motor Company Babelsberg | website | https://www.motor-company.de/standorte/toyota-betriebe/potsdam-babelsberg.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://motor-company.de/standorte/brandenburg/potsdam/
🌐 | w | Heimatstern | contact:website | https://www.heimatstern-drk.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.heimatstern-drk.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.heimatstern-drk.de on no such host |
🌐 | w | SAP Innovation Center | website | http://www.sap-innovationcenter.com/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.sap-innovationcenter.com/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | w | Wilhelm-von-Türk-Schule | contact:website | https://tuerkschule.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://tuerkschule.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | w | MyPlace-SelfStorage | website | https://www.myplace.de/en/berlin-potsdam | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg | image | https://w.wiki/AzTV | 919 URL shortener used |
Redirect URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20220731_xl_105637864.MP_Investitionsbank_des_Landes_Branden…
URL shortener w.wiki used, status of redirect URL is 301 Moved Permanently |
🌐 | w | Potsdamer Tafel | website | https://potsdamer-tafel.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://potsdamer-tafel.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | w | ejf Lazarus Kindergarten Sonnenland | contact:website | https://www.ejf.de/arbeitsbereiche/kindertagesbetreuung/alle-verbuende-und-koordinationsbereiche/kin… | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Katholische Kindertagesstätte St. Peter und Paul | contact:website | https://www.peter-paul-kirche.de/page/156/herzlich-willkommen-der-kita-st-peter-paul | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.allerheiligen.de/potsdam/orte-kirchlichen-lebens/herzlich-willkommen-der-kita-st-peter-p…
🌐 | w | ib-bank-systems GmbH | website | https://skssolutions.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.accenture.com/de-de/industries/banking-index
🌐 | w | logit.syncreon | website | https://www.logit.syncreon.com/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.logit.syncreon.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.syncreon.com, syncreon.com, not www.logit.syncreon.com |
🌐 | w | Kindertagesstätte Potsdam Kids | contact:website | https://www.ejf.de/arbeitsbereiche/kindertagesbetreuung/alle-verbuende-und-koordinationsbereiche/kin… | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | url | https://www.kvkul.de/schweizerhaus.html | 302 Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.architekturbuero-kuehn-von-kaehne-lange.de/
🌐 | w | iCafé | contact:website | https://www.icafe-potsdam.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.icafe-potsdam.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
🌐 | w | Kindertagesstätte "Am Heiligen See" | contact:website | https://www.ejf.de/arbeitsbereiche/kindertagesbetreuung/alle-verbuende-und-koordinationsbereiche/kin… | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Pension Am Findling | contact:website | https://www.pension-am-findling.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
🌐 | w | Zur Historischen Mühle | contact:website | https://www.muehle-potsdam.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://arcona.de/de/gastronomie/historische-muehle
🌐 | w | Vertriebscontainer Fontane Gärten | website | https://www.instone.de/projekte/fontane-gaerten-potsdam | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://instone.de/de/bauprojekte/berlin/fontanegaerten
🌐 | w | Studio Living | website | https://www.project-immobilien.com/studioliving/potsdam/pappelallee/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.project-immobilien.com/studioliving/potsdam/pappelallee/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name |
🌐 | w | Kleine Astbrücke | website | https://www.spsg.de/index.php?id=11653 | 500 Internal Server Error |
🌐 | w | Am Park Potsdam | website | https://www.am-park-potsdam.de/en/home/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
Redirect URL: https://www.am-park-potsdam.de/en/
🌐 | w | Meteorradar | operator:website | https://www.iap-kborn.de/forschung/abteilung-radarsondierungen/instrumente/meteorradare/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | w | Louis Motorrad Potsdam | website | https://www.louis.de/filialen/louis-potsdam | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost |
🌐 | w | Integrationskindertagesstätte Am Kanal | contact:website | https://www.ejf.de/arbeitsbereiche/kindertagesbetreuung/alle-verbuende-und-koordinationsbereiche/kin… | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | r | Alter Fritz | url | https://www.potsdamtourismus.de/location/potsdam/radroute-alter-fritz/ | 404 Not Found |
Redirect URL: https://www.potsdamtourismus.de/poi/potsdam/radroute-alter-fritz/
🌐 | r | Otto Lilienthal | url | https://www.reiseland-brandenburg.de/poi/potsdam/radtouren/radtour-otto-lilienthal/ | 404 Not Found |
🌐 | r | Fontane.Rad Hauptroute - 8. Etappe | url | https://www.reiseland-brandenburg.de/poi/havelland/radtouren/8-etappe-fontane-punkt-rad-von-werder-h… | 404 Not Found |